Version: v5On this pageionic buildBuild web assets and prepare your app for any platform targetsionic build [options]ionic build will perform an Ionic build, which compiles web assets and prepares them for deployment.ionic build uses the Angular CLI. Use ng build --help to list all Angular CLI options for building your app. See the ng build docs for explanations. Options not listed below are considered advanced and can be passed to the ng CLI using the -- separator after the Ionic CLI arguments. See the examples.Examples$ ionic build$ ionic build --prod$ ionic build --watchOptions--prodDescriptionFlag to use the production configurationAdvanced Options--configuration =<conf>DescriptionSpecify the configuration to use.Aliases-c--source-mapDescriptionOutput source maps--watchDescriptionRebuild when files change--engine =<engine>DescriptionTarget engine (e.g. browser, cordova)--platform =<platform>DescriptionTarget platform on chosen engine (e.g. ios, android)