Version: v6On this pageion-breadcrumbshadowA Breadcrumb is a single navigation item that is a child of the Breadcrumbs component. A breadcrumb can link elsewhere in an app or it can be plain text. Each breadcrumb has a separator between it and the next breadcrumb and can optionally contain an icon.See the Breadcrumbs documentation for more information.InterfacesBreadcrumbCollapsedClickEventDetailinterface BreadcrumbCollapsedClickEventDetail { collapsedBreadcrumbs?: HTMLIonBreadcrumbElement[];}BreadcrumbCustomEventWhile not required, this interface can be used in place of the CustomEvent interface for stronger typing .interface BreadcrumbCustomEvent extends CustomEvent { detail: BreadcrumbCollapsedClickEventDetail; target: HTMLIonBreadcrumbElement;}PropertiesactiveDescriptionIf true, the breadcrumb will take on a different look to show that it is the currently active breadcrumb. Defaults to true for the last breadcrumb if it is not set on any.AttributeactiveTypebooleanDefaultfalsecolorDescriptionThe color to use from your application's color palette. Default options are: "primary", "secondary", "tertiary", "success", "warning", "danger", "light", "medium", and "dark". For more information on colors, see theming.AttributecolorType"danger" | "dark" | "light" | "medium" | "primary" | "secondary" | "success" | "tertiary" | "warning" | string & Record<never, never> | undefinedDefaultundefineddisabledDescriptiontrueの場合、ユーザーはパンくずと対話することができません。AttributedisabledTypebooleanDefaultfalsedownloadDescriptionThis attribute instructs browsers to download a URL instead of navigating to it, so the user will be prompted to save it as a local file. If the attribute has a value, it is used as the pre-filled file name in the Save prompt (the user can still change the file name if they want).AttributedownloadTypestring | undefinedDefaultundefinedhrefDescriptionContains a URL or a URL fragment that the hyperlink points to. If this property is set, an anchor tag will be rendered.AttributehrefTypestring | undefinedDefaultundefinedmodeDescriptionmodeは、どのプラットフォームのスタイルを使用するかを決定します。AttributemodeType"ios" | "md"DefaultundefinedrelDescriptionSpecifies the relationship of the target object to the link object. The value is a space-separated list of link types.AttributerelTypestring | undefinedDefaultundefinedrouterAnimationDescriptionWhen using a router, it specifies the transition animation when navigating to another page using href.AttributeundefinedType((baseEl: any, opts?: any) => Animation) | undefinedDefaultundefinedrouterDirectionDescriptionWhen using a router, it specifies the transition direction when navigating to another page using href.Attributerouter-directionType"back" | "forward" | "root"Default'forward'separatorDescriptionIf true, show a separator between this breadcrumb and the next. Defaults to true for all breadcrumbs except the last.AttributeseparatorTypeboolean | undefinedDefaultundefinedtargetDescriptionSpecifies where to display the linked URL. Only applies when an href is provided. Special keywords: "_blank", "_self", "_parent", "_top".AttributetargetTypestring | undefinedDefaultundefinedEventsNameDescriptionionBlurパンくずのフォーカスが外れたときに発行されます。ionFocusパンくずがフォーカスされたときに発行されます。MethodsNo public methods available for this component.CSS Shadow PartsNameDescriptioncollapsed-indicatorパンくずが折りたたまれていることを示すインジケーター要素です。nativeすべての子要素を包むネイティブHTMLのアンカーまたはdiv要素です。separator各パンくずの間のセパレータ要素です。CSS Custom PropertiesNameDescription--background-focusedフォーカス時のパンくずの背景色--colorパンくずの文字色--color-activeアクティブなパンくずのテキスト色--color-focusedフォーカスされたときのパンくずのテキスト色--color-hoverホバー時のパンくずのテキスト色SlotsNo slots available for this component.